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Reception Friendly. This is really improved compared to several years ago. Business Class service is excellent.
punctual & info Some flights delayed, but usually not too bad. Good info, especially the from the flight deck
space/comfort The standard space of KLM economy class is not large. Seats are quite good. If you have booked a ticket with KLM, you can book extra legroom from 90 days to 48 hours in advance. (up to 10 cm + 2x as much lean back in Economy Comfort Zone for € 60 to 150 each way). There is also the an option to book extra leg room for 20 to 70 €. For € 30 you can have 2 seats in a row of two books together with your fellow traveller. Business class in older and non refurbished planes is less than average but most planes are refurbished now. We flew a 777-300 (not  refurbishment) which was actually quite good and a 777-200 (not refurbished) which was less because not 180 degrees reclining chair.
entertainment system The quality of the personal entertainment system is very reasonable and there is a great selection of music, movies and games. Downside is that it occasionally crashes, and it has to be reset for the entire aircraft or per chair.
meals The meals have improved a lot. Our vegetarian meals were fine and varied. In business class the meals were even better; actually KLM has one of the best catering in the industry.
service There was an adequate response to questions and concerns. During the night there are regularly rounds with drinks and snacks in economy (and full service in Business class)
clean Good, although this also depends on the quality of the cleaning staff at the point of departure.
aftersales/contact Normal telephone number; Flying Blue members through regular e-mail address properly assisted; other messages via website form.
airplanes Average age, 777 better than 747
number of flights 12
impression KLM is doing better and better

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