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Cairnmuir Cottage

Wendy & Peter Buchanan
St Hwy 1, Mangaweka, New Zealand
Post adres:
R.D 7 Taihape
Tel: +64 6 382 5745

On following the directions how to reach the cottage we overlooked the owners house so we were convinced the super large home was theirs - until we discovered it was ours to use for the next 3 days. It's an L shaped house with a very large sitting room, dining room and open kitchen (with dishwasher) in one part, and left and right of a long corridor, 5 sleeping rooms (both with double beds and single beds) a bathroom, toilet, and washing room with washing machine. At the end there's a garage.
The view is absolutely stunning and miles far. The cottage is surrounded by a beautifully maintained garden followed by the sheep farm on a hilly landscape. Although not far from St Hwy 1 (near Mangaweka) you will hardly hear the road. A few 100 meters from the entry road to the cottage there's a kennel with the owners sheep dogs which you may hear. Being sensitive to dog barking, we had no trouble here as the barking is rather distant and very rare. There's 3G Vodafone reception.



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