Our CRM/ERP program iConnect facilitates managing all important information on your relations, such as customers and prospects as an easy part of your daily routine. This gives just that extra bit of information on you relation to keep him stay. All information, such as documents, e-mails or invoices is available with a single mouse click.
iConnect mail. Email as you want it!
Software for ship maintenance management
iConnect Horizon gives complete yet easy to control software for the management of ship maintenance. Horizon has a stunning price /quality ratio. This gives shipbuilders a chance to generate extra added value or profit to the delivery. Ship owners know that their valuable investment is maintained according to regulation.
Software for catering companies
The order website gives the individual user or employee ordering for the department or company a quick solution to order a lunch or dinner. iConnect Catering updates the web orders 1:1. You manage the complete trajectory of ordering, printing labels and invoicing. You can adjust the layout of the website and the pictures off line yourself.
Logistic / transport software
Margins in logistic are small. That is why iConnect Transport simplifies numerous tasks. You will save on costs for staff and your relation will be informed and serviced optimal. Next to the functionality of the CRM/ERP program iConnect are modules present for all logistical tasks, such as file administration, stock and warehouse management , project administration and planning.App for testing organisations
As base you use a Windows 8 app. The inspector ticks all points that have been inspected on a tablet and selects default options in case of an anomaly and can add extra information or pictures. The results are sent via the Microsoft Onedrive and are put into a report for the relation automatically in the office.Photo Tracking App
The solution to add photos of cargo to their files real timeMore